Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Deeper Relationship with God

"God never intended for us to go through life alone.  It feels like it sometimes, but every time I get that urge toward self-pity or desperation, I think of it as an invitation for a deeper relationship with God.  The point of life, in marriage or in singleness--even widowhood-- is that it should bring us to that intimate relationship with God.  And that relationship should fill us--all the way up to our secret and ashamed places--so that we are overflowing with love for Him.  Then we stop searching.  Then we are filled with joy."
--Susan May Warren in her book The Shadow of Your Smile, p. 307

I don't know about you, but that is right in line with what God has been teaching me, especially in the last two years.  Life is NOT about whether you are married or single.  It is about the relationship that you have with God, and where you let that relationship take you.  He wants to be your everything.  He alone can fulfill your deepest desires and the longings of your heart.  He alone can love you unconditionally.  He alone has every single answer for every single thing that you go through.  He alone is enough.  But it is a two-way relationship.  He desires that closeness with you, that we sometimes seek out in a relationship with others.  He wants to talk with you on a daily basis, and He will talk to you if you give Him the chance.  There is so much there, available, if you will just tap into it. 
Make Him the priority of your life.  Leave the relationships/details up to Him.  You don't have to go seeking a mate.  When the timing is right, He will bring it all about.  This isn't just for singles either.  The greatest thing you can ever do for your mate (or your future mate) is to make God your everything!  When your relationship with God is in the right place, and you are growing in Him and He is growing in you the potential that He has already put into place in your life, you will be draw others to you, because they will want the peace, joy, contentment, etc that is evident in your life.  Not only will you be the best person you can be for God, you will also be the best person you can be for your mate (future mate).  You will have more chances to share God in the lives of others, more effective for Him to use.  Who wouldn't want that?
What can you do today to grow your relationship with God deeper?  To become that person that He knows you can be, and wants you to become.  What are you letting hold you back?
Surround yourself with people that you want to be like, who exhibit a life sold out for Christ, who share Him with every fiber of your being.  And seek after Him with reckless abandon.  He will be found by you and it will change your life forever! 

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