Tuesday, February 14, 2012

He loves you that much

My life is living proof that God loves us so much that He will orchestrate events to remind us of that great love.  Today is one more example of that.  You see, I came home from my daughter's sock hop and these beautiful flowers were waiting for me at my door.  With a card.  This is my favorite flower.  And the only writing in the card was a message written from God.  Almost word for word what He has been telling me in my quiet times.  How is that for making His love for me real.  He is more than willing to use His children to bless the lives of others, as His hands and feet.  He can, and does, work for us in ways that we can see with our physical eyes.  I know this, without a doubt, because this is not the first time that He has done something like this for me.  I know that He will do it for YOU, too! 
And for the record, it was not my best friend, who would have know the details to pull this off.  Her car broke down today and her dad had to pick her up from work.  She is just as curious as me to try to figure out who did this.  God had to have put this on someone's heart, told them what flower to get, and what words to write down.  I don't know who He used today, and I am not racking my brain trying to figure it out, because in all reality it doesn't matter. 
The point is this...and I hope it is incredibly encouraging to you... He knows what you need, what you want, who you are, what is in your heart, and all the potential that He has given you.  He is more than willing to reassure you as many times as necessary.  He loves you...more than you can ever know.  He will do whatever it takes so that you know that great love He has for you. 
If there is anything that I know...its that He loves you more than you can imagine...enough to literally remind you in a way that you can physically see (as well as communicating that same thing to you in many other ways).  You don't have to doubt anything that He asks of you, or promises you.  He will tell you in more than one way, and will even use trusted people to reiterate the message.  And He will never ask anything of you that He has not already made the way for you to do.

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