Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Make me know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths.  Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day.  Psalm 25:4-5

God gave me this verse this week.  Because I needed it.  I needed the reminder that the wait is always worth it... that if He asks me to wait there is always a good reason for it... that every time I have rushed ahead, it has only ended in heartbreak.  I'm not very good at wait.  But it's an answer to prayer that I get often enough, that I probably should be a lot better at it.  I am a mover, a do-er.  I am not very good at sit-still-and-know-that-I-Am-God.  But there is a very big part of life right now, that God has clearly said "WAIT".  So, He gave me this verse, which my daughters helped me to memorize, (and I shared a wee bit on FB), so that when I got to overthinking things, or trying to guess what He might have planned of which I was clearly told that I was on a need-to-know basis, and that I currently didn't need to know, I could remind myself of the verse.  Many good ones go with it to reassure of the benefits to waiting on God, but this is the one He gave me to memorize.
So, yesterday, when I would start to worry, or over-think, I rehearsed the verse.  And it was helpful!
I would love to say that I remembered that today, and repeated the process, but no.  Tonight, I was again reminded that He gave me this verse for a reason, and recalling it will help me!
I am sure there are many things in all of our lives that tend to make us ponder or forget to live in today b/c of daydreaming of the future.  I am not saying that it is wrong to contemplate the future, but that in my case, I have been given a specific wait answer so trying to lay it all out how I think it might go is not the way that God wants me to be using my current allotment of time.  I think that it might be valuable to just lift open hands (not close-fists clinging tightly to what we want) to God and give Him complete freedom... to just step out of the way and let Him write the story.  After all, what story could possibly be more fun to share with friends and family (and future generations) then the one that God writes just for us, the one where we are walking the path that He has for us and reaching our God-given potential.
My prayer for you tonight is that you would release all of your plans to God, raise open hands and open heart to Him, and give Him free reign to write your "story".  His creativity can not be beat!

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