Monday, April 23, 2012

Being cultivated and refined

Last night I was indulging myself in a Christian fiction book.  It's title is The First Gardener and its by Denise Hildreth Jones.  It was one of those books that you literally cry all the way through, but can't put down because you are rooting for the characters to successfully make it to the other side.  At the end, when things are beginning to come around, the gardener that prayed this family through some really hard things is talking with the main female character.  Here's what she says with a heart full of gratitude for both him and for God...and his reply:
     "Act humble if you will, but it's true.  You pressed us.  You pushed our buttons.  You opened our hearts.  Then you dug in like the gardener you are and tilled our very soil until a seed came to life."
     "Ain't never found hearts more worth diggin' in."

Finishing this book, my thoughts were all over the place (and it was midnight, so that's pretty normal for me).  This is exactly what God does.  He is our Master Gardener and He takes the time to prune us, encourage growth, takes the time to work with our picky selves, always knowing it was worth the time and effort He puts into it.  Never giving up on us. 

The following is what scribbled out of my hand/head after finishing the book (and listening to yesterday morning's sermon twice):
     Sometimes we get so busy seeing what we "lost"--what we've been stripped of or had ripped out of our grasp--that we totally miss what we have.
     There is not a soul on this earth that hasn't gone through some form of heartbreak.  100% of us have experienced some form of pain or an even that shook our lives.
     But it's what we choose to do with our life that is so very important.
     Am I going to choose to embrace life and whatever situation I am facing, or am I going to just endure "it" and take the chance on missing out on what God wanted to teach me?
     There are always going to be things that don't seem fair.  People will always share their opinions/assumptions and not be aware of the pain their words might cause.  Someone will always be available to rub you the wrong way.  You are guaranteed to lose a loved one sometime over the course of this life.  Life is full of losses of every shape and size.
     But God is bigger.  He has already overcome.  He has already won the battle and is victorious. He has already provided the ability to walk through any and all things we will ever face.
     And He knows what heart-wrenching pain is.  He watched His only Son be tortured and killed, ALLOWING it when He could have stepped in and stopped it.  BUT, He didn't--because He could see the bigger picture.  He knew the pain would be temporary and worth the cost.  That His going THROUGH the incredible pain of watching His Son die with the weight of all of our sin on His shoulders--would allow Him relationship with each of us.  He knows pain.
     And He feels our pain with us.  As well as our joys.  And He willingly arranges happenings that He knows will bless our very souls.
     He brings us back to life again.  He shows us what we have to live for and why the fight and the struggles are worth it.  He reminds us again and again that He loves us and is more than enough for us.  he holds our hands and walks us through it.
     And the process we go through makes us stronger.  But even more than that it gives us the gift of being able to come alongside someone else when their road is full of potholes, sinkholes, and flat-out missing parts.
     EVERYTHING we go through in life, the good and the bad and all that is in between, TRULY IS A GIFT.  It stretches us, molds us, refines us, and makes us more like Jesus.
     We just need to choose to keep focused on Him and fully trust that He still can see the bigger picture...and that He will see us through!

1 comment:

  1. Very profound. I have been the one thinking that I missed out on something along the road of life but I know that God has been with me all the way and even when I have stepped off of His path onto my own, He is always there with open arms to welcome me back. I love that! I'm so glad that God cares about the individual and excepts us as we are and pushes us to be better. I don't want to stay stuck in the muck! :) (Heather from my iPhone)
