Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cling to Him, take it to Him

Therefore, my beloved brethren whom I long to see, my joy and crown, in this way stand firm in the Lord, my beloved. ... live in harmony in the Lord. ... Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice!  Let your gentle spirit be known to all men.  The Lord is near.  Phil 4:1, 2a, 4, 5

Life has so many ups and downs.  It can be overwhelming at times.  Its in those times that we need to just stop and remind ourselves of all the things that God has promised us, and take time to cling to Him and let Him speak to our weary souls.  You don't have to make an appointment to talk to God, all you have to do is cry out to Him...He is always there.  And His word is always powerful and calming.  He is every single thing that we need, at all times.  He will make Himself known to us as we cling to Him and seek Him out.  He sees us as His very own beloved children!  He never gets tired of us or frustrated and want to walk away.  There is not a thing you can do to stop His incredible love for you! 
And in those times where life just seems like it is too much...choose a heart of gratitude and thankfulness.  He will honor the choice you make to thank Him for the good in life despite the hard.  There is always something there that you can be thankful for.  Get your mind to focus on Him rather than on the things at the moment that are hard.
Looking at a crazy schedule and your brain is mush and there are things you HAVE to get done to keep up?  Take it to God, allow Him to build you up (that's me today)
Going through an adjustment stage after a big change in life?  Take it to God, lay it at His feet, give Him the control, thank Him for His constant provision and protection despite the changes
Lonely?  Go to God and let Him talk to your very soul.  You are His beloved child and He longs to spend time with you!
Absolutely anything...once laid at the feet of the cross and given to longer seems so daunting and impossible.  After all, this same chapter later says that there is nothing that is impossible with God!

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