Monday, January 9, 2012

True strength

You therefore, my son (or daughter), be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  2 Timothy 2:1

Strength in grace.  I don't know about you, but I have lived a good portion of my life trying to be strong.  Too strong to get emotional over rejection.  Or too strong to let myself cry.  Or too strong to need someone else.  How'd that go for me?  Not all that well.  I was trying to be strong in my own power and that doesn't work.  I need to find my strength in God and His amazing grace for me through the sacrifice of His Son.
Kind of like the snowflake.  A single snowflake, while pretty, accomplishes nothing and melts almost as soon as it touches something.  But a blizzard can shut down an entire city, or cause road damage, or bridge damage, or even cause floods.
I think one of the most important parts of being part of the church, is to be PART of the church.  To be involved and to learn and grow while helping others to learn and grow.  Using your experiences to truly be there for someone in the middle of their own.  To be strong together in God's grace.  There is power, might, and strength to be found in the body of believers...because of Who backs us.  We are children of the King.  Flawed, yes.  Human, yes.  But empowered and backed by the Creator of the universe.
That is strength.  And it is available, without limit, through a relationship with Jesus Christ Himself.
I love the song on KLove right now that says "Our God's not dead, He's surely alive.  He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion".  That's where the strength our living God, who is inside us.

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