Monday, January 9, 2012

True strength

You therefore, my son (or daughter), be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  2 Timothy 2:1

Strength in grace.  I don't know about you, but I have lived a good portion of my life trying to be strong.  Too strong to get emotional over rejection.  Or too strong to let myself cry.  Or too strong to need someone else.  How'd that go for me?  Not all that well.  I was trying to be strong in my own power and that doesn't work.  I need to find my strength in God and His amazing grace for me through the sacrifice of His Son.
Kind of like the snowflake.  A single snowflake, while pretty, accomplishes nothing and melts almost as soon as it touches something.  But a blizzard can shut down an entire city, or cause road damage, or bridge damage, or even cause floods.
I think one of the most important parts of being part of the church, is to be PART of the church.  To be involved and to learn and grow while helping others to learn and grow.  Using your experiences to truly be there for someone in the middle of their own.  To be strong together in God's grace.  There is power, might, and strength to be found in the body of believers...because of Who backs us.  We are children of the King.  Flawed, yes.  Human, yes.  But empowered and backed by the Creator of the universe.
That is strength.  And it is available, without limit, through a relationship with Jesus Christ Himself.
I love the song on KLove right now that says "Our God's not dead, He's surely alive.  He's living on the inside, roaring like a lion".  That's where the strength our living God, who is inside us.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Psalm 5:11-12

But let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy; and may You shelter them, that those who love Your name may exult in You.  For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O Lord.  You surround him with favor as with a shield.  Psalm 5:11-12

The book of Psalm can be so much to so many people.  It is a very versatile book.  I think because it is so full of true emotion.  Nothing seems to be held back.  When you are happy, you can find many psalms that encourage, uplift, are full of thanksgiving and cheer.  When you are struggling, there are many psalms that speak of struggles and God's power, and who God is for you in your time of need.  When you are angry and struggling to control the rage, there are psalms for that as well.  But I think the reason I return to this book, all 150 chapters of it, is because it is so full of who God is to me, in the middle of ALL my times.  No matter what my emotion is, there are promises of truth that I can cling to or celebrate with.  I think it is my all-time go-to-book!
There is so much comfort right here in today's two verses!  Refuge, joy, shelter, love, blessing, favor, shield.  What an amazing God we serve!!!  He truly has provided all that we need, in Himself.  There is no need to search high and low for it.  It is all available in a relationship with Him!  And there for us to read, and reread, in His Word.  He is our refuge.  All joy is found in Him, true joy!  He is our shelter and our shield.  He will never, ever stop loving us, or blessing us, or showing us His favor.  He is the One and only True God!  And never stops accepting people as His children! 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Psalm 3:3-6

But You, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the One who lifts my head.  I was crying to the Lord with my voice, and He answered me from His holy mountain.  I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustains me.  I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people who have set themselves against me round about.  Psalm 3:3-6

     What makes you quake in your boots?  Or sends a shiver down your spine at the mere thought of it?  What can you let go of, by putting it into the all-capable hands of God the Father? 
     He is your shield...your greatest weapon in every life battle you will ever face.  You don't ever have to face a single thing by yourself.  He is always right there with you.  He is your glory.  His glory shines through you, and as you focus on Him, His glory reflects on you. 
     Every single time that you cry out to Him, He hears AND He answers!!!  There is not a single thought, cry, even attitude, that misses His notice.  He sees and hears every single one.  And when we ask, He always answers.  Not always as we think He should, but as He knows is best for us (individually).
     He knows every time we lay down and sleep, every time that we lay down and attempt to sleep but our brains won't stop running long enough for us to drift off, and every second that we missed of sleep so we could keep going with whatever else was preoccupying us.  He is aware of it all.  He knows every single detail, because He wants to...He wants to be involved with us, in our lives...and because He is God.  Each morning that we wake up, and start a new day, is a gift from God.  He doesn't have to keep allowing us to have fresh starts, but He does.  Each new day is a privilege from our Father who loves us deeper than we can grasp.
     What we do with the time He gives us is completely up to us.  We can literally waste time in fear.  And I call it a waste, because there are so many moments that there was so many better things that I could have been doing with my time, rather than letting my brain wonder about "what ifs" and "how do I's" and "I can't do this, I am scared".  Instead of focusing on Him, and the immense power that lies within Him to control everything if I just let Him, I was living scared.  That's not how He wants His beloved children to live.  He has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of sound mind! He doesn't want us to be slaves to fear, but to be free in Him...freed up by handing it over to Him and leaving it in His hands, and going on to do the things that He wants of us.
    So, again, I ask you...what fear is holding you back?  What can you relinquish to Him so that you are freed to move forward to your God-given potential?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession.  Psalm 2: 8

     I have heard this verse used in many different ways, but just want to focus on the ask part and the sheer fact that God's resources and abilities are far beyond our human capacities.  I think I sometimes forget that He is not human, He is God.  He is not limited by the things that limit us.  LIMITLESS!  That is something that I know in my brain, but often forget in my heart. 
     I have been learning not to put Him in that human shell of limitations and to remember that He is God and therefore capable of sooooooo much more!  Then, after reminding myself of that once again, I have to remind myself that all I have to do is ask. 
     I am human.  And boy do I need help from my Daddy God, a lot!  I do not have it all together.  I fail others and myself.  I mess up.  I speak when I should remain silent, and sometimes even remain silent when I should speak up. 
     He is always right there with me, just waiting for me to remember to ask Him for help so that He can in turn release His angels and power to assist in whatever the issue or problem or need is.  Always! 
     He never answers back that He can't do it.  Because NOTHING is impossible with God. 
     He never tells me to come back later because He is too busy to talk to me.  He is always available to me.
    He never has technological issues that prevent Him from helping.  He is not limited by the things that we are limited by. 
     I cannot have too high of expectations for my relationship with Him, because my human brain cannot fully comprehend how much He wants our relationship and all the potential He knows our relationship has.  I often forget, and have to be reminded, that He delights in His children, and that that includes me!  That He wants to talk WITH me, and that He is more than willing to listen.  He doesn't even mind when I talk out loud merely for the sake of thinking things through.  He doesn't get frustrated when I mess up the same way I already have.  He just greets me with open arms, wraps me up in them, and helps me have the courage to try again. 
     He is getting me excited for what life can be like WITH Him at the wheel.  There is no other relationship that compares to the one we can have with our God.  No human relationship can come anywhere close to the fulfillment we find in Him.  And I am beginning to believe that the only way for me to truly reach my potential, is by Him being in charge and directing me, and writing my story.