Monday, July 11, 2011


I would have you well versed and wise as to what is good and innocent and guileless as to what is evil.  And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.  The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah) be with you.  Romans 16:19b-20

Everyone has heard about your obedience and this makes me happy for you. I want you to do what is good and to avoid what is evil.  The God of peace will quickly crush Satan under your feet. May the good will of our Lord Jesus be with you! (God's Word Version)

My prayer for you today is that you will learn what is good and wise, filling your life with those things and that you will abstain and be innocent of evil keeping the world from influencing who you are.  I pray that you would seek God in His word and speak with Him on a daily basis and that you would make Him the first priority in your life.  That you would show the value you put on your relationship with God by making it an active part of your daily life.  That you would set aside for Him part of you at your best and make time to get to know Him and listen closely to see what He says back.  That you would listen to His gentle nudges through out your day and be quick to jump into action and respond.  I pray that you would remember that our God, who is a God of peace, will soon be crushing satan underneath His feet.  That satan's time is limited and you need not fear what he can do to you, but rather be focused on what God can do through and in you.  That you would live in the victory that we find in Christ!  This is my prayer for you.

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