Wednesday, July 27, 2011

His Name

His name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the sun [indeed, His name continues before the sun].  And men shall be blessed and bless themselves by Him; all nations shall call Him blessed!  Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who alone does wondrous things!  Blessed by His glorious name forever; let the whole earth be filled with His glory!  Amen and Amen!  Psalm 72:17-19

My prayer for you today is that you would know Him in all His glory!  That you would be quick to praise His name.  That you would know Him as the God who was, is, and always will be.  That you would know the blessings that come from following the path He shows you.  I pray that you would have eyes to see the wondrous things He is doing all around you.  And that your family would be blessed by His glorious name forever.  This is my prayer for you.

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