Thursday, June 16, 2011

Favor and Delight

By this I know that You favor and delight in me, because my enemy does not triumph over me.  And as for me, You have upheld me in my integrity and set me in Your presence forever.  Psalm 41:11-12

I must have needed this verse, myself, today because my Bible opened up to it both times I opened it today.  That is not something that happens often to me.  Although in my old college days, I did get to experience a few times of the open-right-to-where-you-need-it thing.  God is good, and He always gives me the verses I need when I need them most...but I had forgotten the feeling of open and find.  Anyways...

My prayer for you today is that you would realize to the innermost being that God's favors you  and delights in YOU.  This is not always easy to truly remember so I pray that He will send you reminders often of how very much He loves you and how very much He delights in spending time with you.  That you would be driven to His arms and that you would feel hungry to spend time in His word, talking to Him, and listening to Him speak to your heart.  That you would grow in Him and realize the changes He is making in you.  That everywhere your eyes land, you would know that He has taken great time to make the scenery pleasant for you to look upon.  That He loves you so much that He orchestrates events and happenings to remind you of His great love and delight in you.  That you would remember that no one can do a thing to you that He hasn't allowed and that you would look to Him for what He wants you to learn through your struggles.  That you would be someone that others know walks for and with the Lord.  This is my prayer for you and me!

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